Things to consider when booking a holiday home.
There is nothing more satisfying than moving your home near your preferred attraction destination. Imagine moving your crib to Diani Beach Mombasa, Kenya seafront for a week? Sounds cool right? But before that, there are things to consider when booking a holiday home.
To be honest I have been looking down upon this idea of Holiday Homes. I don’t know why but until I was introduced recently.
Since then huh! I have never looked back; however, I was swift to note some things to consider when booking a holiday home.
I am going to share with you how to do it like a pro, step by Step. Without much ado, let’s shove in.
14.) Don’t believe everything you read on a listing.

You google a holiday home and Airbnb or Pops up with a wide selection of Holiday Homes in your preferred Destination.
All you see is winsome images of the holiday homes and you decide to click on one that is more appealing than the rest.
Pause! Just how true is it that the home is just 1 Kilometer from the beach? Is it true that the supermarket is really 5 minutes’ Drive?
What about those incredibly appealing images? Is it the same on the ground? Anyone can edit any picture and bring wild expectations.
You see, everyone wants to sell, stand out and convert business and the temptations to alter things to bring out a false appeal is high.
How do you solve this? Read Property Reviews, even though they can be easily fabricated, not all some will be genuine with genuine pictures and the real expectation on the ground.
13.) Check the booking terms and conditions.

One of the things to consider when booking a holiday home many people disdain or just choose to ignore is reading the terms and conditions of the Property or home holiday they are about to book.
This will help you avoid unnecessary charges, there could be hidden prices like electricity, gas or cleaning charges on top of the normal charges.
When you go through terms and conditions you will be better placed in case an argument ensues with the owner.
Check, check-in and Check-out Time just to be sure as you may late checking out and be surprised with a smiling huge bill on your face. You do not need that.
12.) Cancelling Policy.

These don`t just apply to things to consider in booking a holiday home but also hotels or anything that offers accommodation.
Especially now in times of a pandemic, you can expect anything. A country may loop in a lockdown serendipitously because of COVID Surge.
So, you should play safe by checking the cancellation policy of an establishment even though the majority have altered the cancellation policy to “Cancel any moment and get your 100% refund”.
11.) Some Hotel Vocabulary is here to trick you.

Well, when I was “new”, I booked with a certain online Agent, they had stated “Holiday Offer” and the price they were giving was incredibly low compared to the normal prices.
I swiftly jumped in with two feet. Little did I know, okay let me quote how they had advertised it.
“Twin Bed ½ H/B”. I Just read Twin bed HB. Little did I know the ½ I spurned meant per person, for example, Twin Bed ½ H/B $300.
This means you will pay $600. I tried to explain to the hotel but they wouldn`t hear my plea. Luckily, I had some savings for emergency purposes.
If you don’t understand any of the Hotel Vocabulary please ask or just book with a Tour Operator. Tour Operators will never use such to trick you into buying.
10.) Should you book with Agency or Direct?

This is one of the main things to consider when booking a holiday home. So, the giant agency Airbnb boasts of covering more than 193 countries worldwide.
We cannot ignore the fact that this is a powerhouse and it is here to ease finding a good holiday home.
However, if you need to save more and maybe have room to bargain for a better rate then book your home directly.
Most of the homes don’t even have a Facebook page neither a website but you can only find them on Airbnb or How do you contact the owner of the property off Airbnb?
The moment you give your number or email in Airbnb hides it, they want you to book through them.
I don’t know if I said they are selfish I will be right or let’s just say they are in business trying to make a living like everybody else. So, let me not cast on them.
well, You can exchange numbers with the owner of the home, for example instead of writing 072212 50 since it will be hidden. Write zero seven two two one two-fifty…. Their system won’t detect this… Then from there, you will avoid the booking fee and probably bargain.
However, booking through the App has a fair share of advantages for both guests and host see below.
9.) However, Airbnb is Safe.

Only do that trick when you are sure the property exists.
This applies to Holiday homes that don’t have their own websites or even Facebook pages where you can trace their contacts.
Probably you are asking yourself how is Airbnb safe? This is how you see the moment you book with them, they will hold the payment for 24hours after check-in, just in case it was a fraud or what was advertised on the internet is far from reality. You can cancel the booking and get your refund.
8.) Property Owners get some Protection.
Most of the holiday owners will or might insist on you booking via the App since they get up to $1,000,000 of damages on eligible countries.
For this matter, you can still exchange contacts using the method above, talk in lengthy as some things can only be explained and not written but still pay via the App for the sake of clean business between you two. Register for Airbnb now and get a discount of up to $65 for your first booking.
7.) Over Occupancy.
If a holiday home advertises it is a 5-bed room for a maximum of 10 Pax. Please do not try to be clever and sneak in two or more pax hoping you will squeeze in or sleep in the sitting area. This impacts on bills, tear and wear.
The owner has every right to deny entry on their property since the terms were well specified. Or even the owner might just unimaginably inflate the prices just to teach you a lesson.
Just follow the simple rules and be responsible enough.
6.) Be Reasonable.
One of the simplest things to consider when booking a holiday home. How do you live in your own house?
Just because you have paid and gotten a home doesn’t mean it is time to maximize your money by being extravagant.
You don’t have to leave the water running and careless. Don’t start boiling stones just to overuse the gas.
Treat that home like yours. The last home we occupied with my friends we even went that extra mile and left the home even more clean than we left it.
5.) Location.

Location is one of the main things to consider when booking a holiday home. Avoid overcrowded places. Don’t book a holiday home near CBD.
You don’t need all that noise. The blaring music from clubs and the craziness of the city. Choose at least a minimum of 5Kilometers from the nearest town.
However, be mindful not to be far from the basic amenities such as hospitals, banks and supermarkets.
4.) Homes near Attraction sites are more Expensive.
If you have been reading my blogs, we have the 5 blocks away rule. This simply means to avoid buying things be it food and now holiday homes near the attraction site.
The price will always be double, sometimes triple.
Lastly, I booked a self-catering cottage at the coast, we choose 1 Kilometer away from the beach.
The seafront houses were almost triple the price. Okay, I understand the thrill of having a beach house.
But always ask yourself if paying triple is worth it? After all, we will all spend the same time on the beach the only difference is, I will have to exercise a walking distance of 1 Kilometer before I can access the beach which is good for my health, huh!
3.) Let Family Home Holiday Stay that way.

I have seen friends still going ahead to book a clearly stated family Home for their “ratchetness” party.
This is one of the things to consider when booking a holiday home. Let family rental stay that way.
There was a reason the owner stated the only family because some partygoers tend to do more harm than good.
You cannot advise a girl in love and so is trying to control a drunk person. Some homes are near a family setting with small kids and coming to party around is ill-advised. Always follow or ask the owner if doing certain things in their house is okay.
2.) Holiday Home or Hotel.
- This one depends on an individual. There are numerous cons and pros for booking either.
- According to me; booking a holiday home, cottage or Villa has more privacy than hotels do.
- Holiday homes tend to be cheaper than most hotels.
- You will get to eat your own food, unlike hotels where you have all the temptations to overeat.
- You feel more of a home in a holiday home unlike in a hotel whereby you feel subjected to follow some rules, for example, there will be certain hours of eating, if you miss, you miss the food.
- You can carry your drinks in a holiday home unlike in hotels where you cannot come on your own and you will be subjected to buy the same at inflated unimaginable prices.
- Check-in Time in a holiday home is flexible where`s in the hotel late check out is chargeable.
- In holiday homes you have the advantage of negotiating your rate unlike in most hotels where rates are non-negotiable and system generated.
1.) Holiday Homes are a Better Choice than Hotels?

An astounding no is my answer but whenever possible try a home holiday. The challenge is, these holiday homes are not everywhere.
No holiday homes in Safaris! In those national parks and reserves, you have to rely on Tented Camps and Lodges.
Holiday Homes is ideal for friends and families and people who don`t mind doing their food.
Did I leave any factor you feel it should have been on the list? Let us interact in the comment section. Thanks for the read!
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