COVID 19 impacts on Travel Industry.
COVID 19 did things no one saw them coming, no one could predict and the COVID 19 impacts on the Tourism industry? Nothing to smile about. Who thought the whole world would come to a near Stop! If I had the power I would make the impossible possible, and if I was a miracle powerhouse even if it means finding a way in the ocean like Moses just to find the cure and put this extremity to a stupor end, believe you me I would, the economy is down, people are losing jobs, kids need clothing, food and shelter but thanks to this, Rife. Most of the economies have been hit badly but no industry has been hit bad like the Tourism and Hospitality industry, it is in Intensive Care Unit, for the last three to four months it has been pure affliction for lack of a better word to express these exertions.

No one is travelling anymore; Air travel came to a near 100% Stop! They are on their knees, hopeless rendering hundreds of thousands jobless and companies realizing loses they never imagined.
Tour Companies, Travel Agents, Online Travel Agents all these businesses are almost closing, everyone is crying foul, besides that people continue to lose their loved ones, it is a dire situation. What we have to accept is, COVID is here with us, it is dangerous and it has changed everything from Normal to `New Normal.`
In my opinion, I don’t think COVID will disappear quickly like trust when your partner cheats on you. Rather it will last like how love grows in when you start liking someone, then after some time you start loving them please do not confuse love with Lust. So, my projections being such a positive creature, travel industry may recover by the end of 2021, to say the least. So, fellow comrades in travel industry prepare for a long haul. However, this doesn’t mean the travel industry will cease operation, take for example Tanzania has already opened up. I hope they are doing it the right way. anyway, tourists are flying in though the bigger percentage is the Travel consultants and Agents who have come for a pre-visit just to confirm the situation on the ground first hand before they could start selling or convincing their clients it is safe to fly in. This is a good thing and I wish them a happy sale! Once back home.

This COVID as much as is a disaster to travel industry, it has some not quite positive side but some impacts which depend on how you look at 6(six) someone on the other side will look it as 9(nine). Big companies will be dethroned by the so-called young or small businesses who do not have extreme monthly expenditures. Watch out for new kids on the block. The environment is now breathing, no much pollution, even the wild animals back in the park are wondering what happened to these guys! (Tourists) Maybe Nature needed a break from us.
Experts suggest Travel Industry will crawl back maybe slower than Tortoise but eventually, COVID will disappear at some point and even if it doesn`t it will go the HIV/AIDS Way, learning how to live with it like you and I are doing now!
COVID 19 Impacts on the Travel industry
This is rather the Travel industry Blueprint. COVID 19 will change the travel industry in many ways, I have sampled 9 Impacts we should brace up for.
1.) Supple Booking Policies
Online Travel Agents, Tour Operators, Travel Agents, Hotels, Camps, Lodges among others they will have to have Supple booking Policies to win their clients back. I don’t expect to book a safari somewhere in Zambia and my travel agent gives my policies am not comfortable with, you cancel before 60 Days to arrival I will get 0.00% refund, hell no one will book with you, I expect something nice, something appealing like, you can cancel your trip anytime, with this COVID You never know!
2.) COVID 19 Certificate.
Have you ever been to a Country where you have to produce a yellow fever certificate? Yes, soon you will need to produce a negative reading Certificate upon entrance to most of the countries. I think the old dirty unattended passports will or may soon come to a thing of the past, and upgrade to digital ones to avoid physical attachment as much as possible.
3.) Sanitization.
This is the bossy word of the year many folks did not know about, it is the most and will continue to be the most used word than Hello, I was out after a long time to Gp Karting in Nairobi, from the gate Sanitization, before the reception, Sanitization and at the reception Sanitization, with this kind of cleanliness, mindfulness is a proper way to bend for this disease Afterall, the tree that bends for the wind doesn’t break it. This will be the new normal and a strategy to beat this demon.
4.) Rise of Domestic Tours and Safaris.
There has never been a better chance for tour operators, travel agent, online travel agents, hotels and others to embrace domestic tourism like now. Some of the Hotels and tour operators who only rely and concentrate only on Inbound tourists/International Tourists should begin being flexible, as much as international tourism will crawl back with time, I suggest to these guys to focus on Domestic tourism as per now. Although some of these companies and hotels may face attitude towards domestic tourists (Since they never consider them during the normal days), it is a good course to try and learn to keep them close even after things start looking bright, you will always need local tourists.
5.) New Destinations.
There will be popping of new Touristic Destinations, thanks to COVID 19, Many tourists will want to avoid crowded places meaning away from cities and opting for a more deserted destination due to social distancing. As much as there is Sanitization everywhere. COVID 19, IS Real and until we develop a vaccine, distancing will be part of us. I would prefer hidden unravel Hidden Gems overcrowded Destinations.
6.) Travel will be more Expensive.
There are stringent measures in Travel Industry placed to curb this disease and one of the measures is Social Distance. It comes with a price. In public transport from Rail Travel, Road Travel and Air travel. The two seats meant for two will be used by one person, this can only mean one thing, a hike of prices to cater the expenses otherwise these guys will up to close down due to loses. Especially Air travel may curtail many tourists travelling due to hiked Air tickets, however, I believe they will be careful with the prices since it is a big factor and they want in business.
7.) Great Offers.
This is an interesting impact; local tourism is already crawling in back and we already have great offers during this COVID Period. In Kenya, there is Nairobi National Park, The park within a city. Most Nairobians have the Luxury to enjoy a game drive as much as there is partial lock Down and curfew. There are great offers to Nairobi National Park. In a Normal Day, a land cruiser (Jeep) was hired at $180 it is now at $120. What a great Offer, people who have never been to Nairobi National Park are flocking in and appreciating their beautiful and iconic Park, thanks to the great offers. Hotels are not left behind, a certain beach hotel is giving out free accommodation so long as you pay for food, unbelievable right? Others have reduced their prices by up to 60 %. This play of cards looks interesting already let’s wait and see what will unfold.
8.) Tourism and Hospitality Education will be affected.
I have had a lot of young men and women when they are through with high school, they would like to study tourism and hospitality. They want to join us in the Travel Industry. The tune is changing even some of us are getting backlash, why did you study Tourism and Hospitality? Why did you invest in this Travel Business? Why Tourism? Don’t you see it is always the most hit whenever there is something restricting travel? From terrorism, clashes, political temperatures and now COVID 19. As much as telling them, I do this out of passion and not Money, it will sound cliché, I love what I do and am proud of it and am not about to denounce it, no matter what, the lion doesn’t feed on grass no matter the harsh situation.
9.) Recession
Across the world, there has been economy collapse thanks to COVID 19. There is a major blow to the travel industry, it means people have lost their Jobs, forced unpaid leave, businesses closing down etc.
This is the synonym of Tourism decrease; many potential tourists will not travel for a long time since they do not have disposable income. Unemployment across the world even to the developed countries, this is a set back as a potential tourist will view a Safari in Africa as a mere luxury they do not need at this particular period.
You are in the Travel Industry? Lost your job? Or even forced unpaid leave? Hang in there do not lose hope, probably you are asking, for how long sir? I at least need basic needs. Well, I will be doing a post dedicated to you guys (Travel Industry) things you can do to earn during this pandemic period. (Check the post Here)
We do not know how long this pandemic will take but one thing for sure it will b contained with time and things may one day back to Normal. Meanwhile, Sanitize, Social Distance, follow government directives and stay safe!