Road Trip to Nakuru (Rift Valley View Point)

Road Trip to Nakuru and an Encounter with the Police

Boys Road Trip to Nakuru.

Meet up point was Total Petrol Station Waiyaki Way at 10:00 AM. It was purely a boy Road Trip to Nakuru and of course with a visit to Lake Nakuru National Park.

You know that kind of a thing where you get to discuss investment, cars, politics and generally have fun.

We were in an entourage of 3 Saloon Cars. (All the road Trip Tips in Check) Time was not on our side yet our car was labelled “Car No 1”. We were late with 45 Minutes.

One of the friends we were to pick along the way, her wife was strict and we had to reassure her we will make sure he behaves.

After some convincing, she insisted we take breakfast before leaving. Well, she was sweet at the same time exasperating though in a good way. They love each other though. They are the Romeo and Juliet of our time.

This is the reason Car No 1 was late with 30 Mins. Since we had set rules and already, we had Brocken some.

The punishment was waiting for us. Lunch bill was thrown at us (Car No. 1). We didn`t complain since rules are rules and sometimes, they are made to be Brocken anyway.

Joints worth Stopping by on a road trip to Nakuru.

After the conviction, car No 1 was released followed by Car No 2 then No 3. We did not race though it was fun maintaining position 1.

I was driving car No 1 and at some point, Car No 3 tried to overtake me on a steep uphill, just before our first stop, Rift Valley viewpoint since he had a more powerful car.

Man, nothing hurts more than driving a 1500cc engine uphill and bigger cars with more powerful engine overtake you as if you are not moving yet the accelerator is already on the floor. That shit sucks huh! Bora uhai.

Rift Valley View Point.

The Great Rift Valley View Point a stop over to Lake Nakuru National Park
The Great Rift Valley View Point a stopover to Lake Nakuru National Park

After a difference of like 5 Minutes we pulled over where car No 3 was parked, for the Rift Valleyview point, the Car No 3 crew were giggling to signify prowess but we shunned them off.

We didn`t give them an audience. Well, car no 2 pulled over after us. We were all in the same WhatsApp Group of 1500 cc so they had nothing much to say.

Smallest Church.

We bought some of the artefacts, took a few pictures, chit-chatted with tourists, some made new friends, after a few minutes we hopped in our cars and off we were on the road again.

Since I was now on the lead, I signalled them to pull over at the Smallest Italian Church in East Africa.

It is just 500 Meters from View Point. It is known as Mai Mahiu Catholic Church or the Travelers Chapel.

Locally known as Msikiti (Mosque). This Church measures 15 by 8f and has a sitting capacity of 12 people.

There was a queue being on a Saturday, many tourists going to either Maasai Mara National Reserve, Lake Nakuru National Park or Naivasha pass by this church. It is rumoured to be the smallest church in Africa.


Nyama Choma at Kikopey
Nyama Choma at Kikopey

As I said, we were not in a hurry neither racing like those Subaru Boys does on their road trip to Nakuru.

The only problem was car no 3 was trying to frustrate us on any uphill. So, our next destination for our road trip to Nakuru was Kikopey.

Ask any Kenyan or any tourists who have been to this place and before answering they will start salivating.

Even now as am writing this, it is around lunchtime and am already drooling when I remember their incredible delicacies.

The Nyama Choma (Grilled Meat) precisely Mbuzi (Goat Meat).  The Grilled meat, accompanied by Ugali was not only tasty but also appetizing, scrumptious, yummy, luscious and delectable to say the least huh!

After 30 Minutes all you could see on our tables were cleaned bones even master hyena would get nothing out of it. We were more than full and just a few kilometres to our destination Nakuru.

Nakuru Town.

Welcome Sign to Road Trip to Nakuru
Welcome Sign to Road Trip to Nakuru

At Around 3:00 Pm we were at Nakuru Town. Since it was not a day trip, we went on to look for some Affordable accommodation and Sebs Hotel was our one main stop.

Check other 132 Accommodation Options in Nakuru.

We were shown the rooms, they looked clean and well kept. We paid for the night and since it was already almost 4:00 PM We couldn`t go for a game drive at Lake Nakuru National Park.

After Refreshing, we started exploring this Famous Town, and our next stop was the Biggest Mall they have in town, the West Side Mall.

Located at the junction between Nairobi-Nakuru highway and Kenyatta Avenue. It literally has everything and satisfying for those doing a road trip to Nakuru.


Since we were booked on Bed and Breakfast and we didn`t like the way time was flying. That is when I realised incredible moments always seemed to accelerate and slip beyond one`s grasp just when you want to hold onto them for as long as possible.

How could dark creep in so fast? We had to look for somewhere to have our dinner. We were still full from the Delicacies from Kikopey so we wanted something light and Street food was the answer.

They were hesitant to take street food but being a regular traveller I love street food it has a special and original taste you will never get anywhere else even in those 5 Stars.

Again, it had to be Nyama Choma (Grilled Meat) we like Nyama Choma as a Nation I suppose. It was delicious but not like the Kikopeys.

Night Life.

Hotel Sebs.
Hotel Sebs.

A road trip to Nakuru without nightlife is almost taboo. Our Hotel Sebs happened to have a nice place where the Deejay was playing good music. Despite being weary the drinks and music regenerated us.

We discussed a lot of things from Politics to, investments among other men talk. Nakuru town changes at night.

First off, it looks more appealing with all the lighting at night than day time. I guess it was built for nightlife and entertainment.

After some time at sebs, someone suggested we visit one of the popular joints and this joint was Platinum 7d Lounge Nakuru.

It was parked to the full and we only stayed there for a few minutes since the following day we had to wake up early for the Nakuru National Park Game Drive.

Encounter with the Police.

Police Encounter on a road trip to Nakuru
Police Encounter on a road trip to Nakuru

Just as we were making our way to our rooms from Platinum. I remembered I had forgotten my phone in the car.

I said it loud enough to get attention so that I could get a company to go back for it. One volunteered as we were approaching the parking since we had parked outside.

Police were on us as if they were waiting for us. They introduced themselves and even showed us their badges since they had no uniform. They requested us to accompany them to the police station.

Obviously, we asked them why they were arresting us but they only insisted they cannot talk now but in the nearby police station.

We tried to resist arrest since we were innocent and had done nothing wrong but before we knew it, we were already huddled in their Land cruiser heading to the police station.

Upon arrival, they told us that there was a botched robbery of a senior police officer car and that they were instructed to arrest anyone regardless of status.

What a petty reason, later on, I came to learn they do that regularly to extort unsuspecting revellers.

Not Right. Our crew came for us and in no time we were fast asleep, dreaming of the Lake Nakuru National Park the Following Day.

Nakuru National Park.

Black Rhino at Lake Nakuru National Park
Black Rhino at Lake Nakuru National Park

Wake up Call, by 6:00 AM we were already on the road. Just 11 Kilometers from Town and 30 minutes drive.

By 6:30 AM we were at the gate, already paying for the Entrance fees.

Park fees Entrance at Lake Nakuru National Park 2021.

  • Citizens Adult Kes800 Child KesKes200
  • Non-Resident Adult $35 Child $20
  • Vehicle less than 6 Seats Kes300/$3

Attractions at Lake Nakuru National Park.

Buffalo at Lake Nakuru National Park
Buffalo at Lake Nakuru National Park

Big Mammals – Lake Nakuru National Park has unique vegetation about 600 different types of Plantation including the euphorbia forest and the yellow acacia woodlands.

There are more than 55 different Species including the white rhino, waterbucks, Giraffes, Buffaloes, zebra, wildebeests and Hippos.

Bird Watching – Nakuru National Park is a good spot for bird species as it boasts of more than 450 Different species which include; Greater and Lesser Flamingos, Great White Pelican, Greater Blue-eared Starling, Hottentot teal among others.

Baboon Cliff– This is the best spot to view Lake Nakuru from a higher level. The baboons are friendly and fun especially with their theatrics and cunny behaviour.

Makalia Falls – This is at the southern end of Lake Nakuru, it is from one of the rivers that drain in the lake. It has a massive drop of more than 10 m off a sheer cliff, a large plunge pool, and there is a campsite nearby. The waterfalls act as a lullaby to those camping in the area.

Back to the City.

It was almost 2:30 PM When we checked out of the park and started our Safari back to the city.

We were famished and we couldn`t wait to stop at our favourite joint, Kikopey for our late lunch before we could proceed to the city.

This was almost a race, though I was not the one on the wheel this time but the guy who had made us late trying to convince her wife when we were leaving for Nakuru that he would behave. Since it was only a boys road trip to Nakuru and surely, he behaved. we all did.

Just like any other good boys on a road trip, we were early enough back in town despite major traffic but more importantly, we delivered our Boy Safely to her wife!

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Road Trip to Nakuru (Rift Valley View Point)