How to Plan a Vacation

17 simple steps on How to plan a vacation

Do you know how to plan a Vacation? This was the first interview question in my first job after college. It was daunting and vague.

I had never planned a vacation before but I used to read travel blogs and this particular question actually earned me a job.

The way I answered how to plan a Vacation was so articulate and coherent that even the interviewer was left awestruck.

Over the years, I have practised and perfected how to plan a vacation effortlessly and so should you.

Planning a vacation can help you cut the cost of the entire trip or vacation. Nothing I find more interesting than planning a Vacation.

I enjoy every step of it and am going to share with you below, sit back relax and enjoy the read.

1.) What is your preferred Destination?

You will have to decide which country or destination your next vacation will be. Are you doing a local or international trip?

Well, which city or town will be your Vacation? You have to ask yourself these questions to be able to answer them to give you a perfect destination.

Even though most destinations are determined by the budget you can choose an expensive destination but decide to go backpacking by using these tips.

It is advisable if you want to do your vacation outside your country to specify, “am going to South Africa Cape town” and not just am flying to Africa.

2.) How long do you wish to stay?

If you are doing a local trip you will need at least 3 days but if you are doing an overseas vacation you will need a minimum of 7 days.

This is how you plan a vacation; you take the days of travel this will be a minimum of two days if doing a local vacation within your country.

Then add 1 full day for the vacation, this adds up to a minimum of 3 Days. If you want to add more then this is up to you in regards to budget, interest and time.

3.) Who will be accompanying you?

This is another vital question to ask yourself when planning a vacation. Is it a solo trip that we should at some point in our life’s do, or will you be accompanied by your spouse or friends?

Travelling with someone else means you will have someone to help you plan the entire trip and more importantly share the budget unless you`re the one paying for everything.

If you`re travelling as a group, it will be a lot easier even though it can sometimes be tiresome to control a group.

The best part, when you are a group you have the ability to bargain in almost everything so your budget will be in check.

4.) What is your Budget?

This is the most important part of how to plan a vacation. You need to be careful and conscious. It is this step that can make or break your vacation.

So, how much do you want to spend? Do you want to go backpacking or splurging in luxury hotels? This is a personal choice to make but in whatever you choose.

Prioritize yourself and remember the goal is to make yourself happy and be able to enjoy the trip to the fullest.

5.) Get travel reward Credit Cards.

Get a credit card you can redeem for royalty points which can be converted for free flights and hotels. You don’t have to pick several just pick one and concentrate on that.

You will be happy to redeem your points with time, so apply for one and make sure to use it during your travel expenditure.

They also don’t have service fees when you move to another country making it ideal as a travel essential for you to keep.

6.) Check Last Minute Deals.

Subscribe to that newsletter of tour companies, airlines, hotels and keep on checking Booking. com now and then.

At times you will get crazy irresistible offers and this is the moment to grab that chance.

There is no given time you will miss either of the offers in the places I have listed.

Remember our motto here is, you don’t have to break the bank to travel. Here we travel more for less.

7.) Accommodation.

After you have searched for the possible deals it is time to get down to business and make a big step to book your accommodation.

You can do this through a tour Agent or Booking. Com whichever you are comfortable with although each has Pros and Cons.

This is also the time to be decisive if you need a luxury, mid-range or Budget, it will depend on personal interest and budget.

By the time of booking, you should also have definite dates since you don’t want to make a cancellation that will cost you simply because you chose the wrong dates.

8.) Book your flights.

If you are doing an international trip this is the time to book your flights immediately after confirming your accommodation.

Why do you need to book flights after accommodation? Because accommodation will cost you more than flights if you`re doing an international trip.

Even though this is not always the case, sometimes it can be vice versa but whichever carries more weight make sure you give it the priority.

You are probably wondering why I should give whichever costs me more while planning a vacation priority.

This will give you commitment to your vacation, you don’t want to cancel after paying for a two-week accommodation.

NB// Before booking flights or accommodation always make sure either is available correspondently.

9.) Activities when planning a Vacation.

When you plan a vacation make sure you have the activities you’re going to undertake in your preferred destination at hand.

We have so many travel blogs to look up to from real-time experiences from the author including this one.

Get all, the information you need and don’t forget to do a pre-tour using your google maps photos.

What do I mean by this? Well, whenever you intend to visit a new place always have a pre-visit through google Maps photos of the destination.

You will get raw and unedited pictures of the destination and not those misleading edited Instagram pictures.

No need to get shocked once in your destination, and start asking if this was the place you saw on Instagram!

10.) Talk to your Bank.

If you’re going abroad, talk to your bank and let them know you will be out of the country.

When they notice large amounts being withdrawn from your account. They may flag your account.

You can imagine starting to call them with all the international charges.

You know how they have to follow protocol and by the time they verify is you. It may cost you and infringe inconveniences in your vacation.

To avoid all this just talk to your bank in time!

11.) Buy travel insurance.

I know many of us will be tempted to travel without insurance but have you ever thought of, if something happened?

Where would you start? Especially if you`re abroad and have no family members or friends around.

I don’t mean to be a party pooper but if you can afford to travel whether on luxury or budget I want to believe you can pay a small fee to cover you when away from home.

Travel Nomads is the most ideal travel insurance I know. Check their prices and you will be startled how much you`re paying to get an incredible reliable cover!

If you can buy a car you can afford to fuel it!

12.) Shopping for the Vacation.

These are the final stages on how to plan for a Vacation. It can be entertaining who doesn’t like shopping for a vacation?

Well, this is why I enjoy planning a vacation since shopping is part of the plan.

If you`re going for a Safari or A Vacation make sure you purchase the right essentials.

Check what you need for Beach Vacation or a Safari.

13.) Pack.

This is the final stage on how to plan for a Vacation.

After your shopping whether online or directly from a downtown store. You will need to pack your essentials correctly.

You don’t have to pack a pile of suite cases yet you`re doing a 3-day Vacation.

The right way to pack is, take the clothes you intended to pack. Divide them into half and add the money twice.

You will be good to go.

14.) Learn Local Language.

Whether you`re going overseas or just local try and learn a few words of the native language of the destination.

If you`re going for a Safari in East Africa, check wild animals’ names in Swahili here. Learns a line or two of the native language.

Learn polite words like, Sorry, excuse me, help me, basic greetings and if possible, the culture of the local people of your destination.

15.) Inform your relatives.

When I say relatives, I don’t mean the whole clan. It’s sad how some family members don’t see an eye for an eye.

Let your immediate family members know or better still let someone you trust know your whereabouts and the itinerary you will use.

In case of anything they can act as your emergency contact; many travellers ignore this but it is quite important.

16.) Enjoy your Vacation.

This is just to remind you to enjoy your vacation you have earned it. You have worked so hard, saved for this moment (Read how to save to travel).

Enjoy every minute, be nice and smile at people often. The goal is to have fun and everyone goes back home happy!

Congratulations on making this happen!

Thanks for stopping by

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How to Plan a Vacation